Sunday, June 28, 2020

About our Lessons

Dear Friend

Hello! I'm Cecilia (CE), the founder, director, and teacher at Middle of the World Spanish School. With over 20 years of experience teaching Spanish to diverse groups, including children, adults, and professionals, I bring a wealth of expertise. Currently, I'm working on a series of Spanish teaching books for elementary school, set to be published by the end of 2020. My approach is rooted in creativity, fun, and relevance to daily life. As a psychotherapist and coach, I aim to create a positive, immersive experience for students, fostering a love for Spanish that goes beyond the classroom. Join us on this exciting language-learning journey! 🌎📚 #SpanishLearning #LanguageJourney

Check out how our school works.

Our Online Spanish Classes are a fast and easy way of gaining access to a fascinating new hispanic world: A foreign language and a foreign culture! In my online Spanish School, our Students can relax in their familiar surroundings while being connected with our Spanish teacher who is maybe thousands of kilometers away (Ecuador-Venezuela-Colombia).

Our experienced teachers make use of a special computer-assisted Study Program based on voice and video interaction between student and teacher and our own online material. Whatever you are looking for - grammar lessons or conversations - vocabulary or a good talk with your Ecuadorian teacher - Online Spanish Classes is the key to an authentic language experience - wherever you are!

How does it all work?

We used Zoom or Skype. You might think your teacher was sitting right in front of you  - even in another time zone! Video is made available by a camera on your teacher's screen - and yours. Video is not mandatory - if you feel more comfortable using audio only just don't switch on the video facility! I usually invite students for a free class, then if he-she decides to continue, I will make an invoice according to the time and days they student agreed. Then we will meet every single time. 

High quality of service

We have many years of experience in teaching online and using online resources. Ecuador is well known for the language standard. We personalized our content to our students. We teach children from 3 years old to ...

Highly competitive

Our Online Classes have very competitive prices to be available to everyone. We employ single moms and young professionals. We also have an immersion program in Ecuador. 

Our teachers

Our team of Spanish teachers understand that each student is unique, and will give you the 1-on-1 attention and coaching you need to achieve your language learning goals.They are very young and active. Try a free lesson.

Facebook Online Spanish  - Immersion in Ecuador  - Community  - Social Work - Whatsapp 593 0962849100
Check out our programs that can fit you the best:

Thursday, June 25, 2020

Online Spanish a New Opportunity for Women to Work from Home.

Thank you for reading this blog. After 12 years, I met my first Spanish colleagues.  I have decided that it is time to let my readers know where I am at this year.
As a teacher who belonged to a regular face to face school. I realized how inhuman was this job, when we used to be young we didn't realize the poor management we dealt with. I personally suffered to be treated as an object. Every Monday, a foreign student will choose us, not for capacity but like how we look and appealing we were with them. It was like a market with products on sale, the students will choose teachers and the other teachers who were not chosen will go home with nothing.
Our boss would sell us not as teachers, so we can be at the student´s wish for traveling, time, the place to work, etc.   Mondays, we will be waiting for long hours until somebody shows up. Many times we will go home without any working hour. Next week, I will come as happy as if I would have worked.
Many face to face schools here in Ecuador and other South American countries, do the almost the same. As I mentioned before, with the online school. I create working hours  for women to have availability, ability and good willing to share culture, language, time.  Our Online Spanish provides better payments  than the face to face school. Also it is safe for the teacher and the student. Teachers can work late but from their houses even from their bed.
Support us
Teaching Spanish isn't just a job for our Immersion teachers. It is an opportunity. They take an active interest in your progress and do whatever they can to help you reach the goals you have set for yourself.
Online courses are available for all levels, from beginner to advance. For each level, we have developed extensive study material, which is based on the material we use for our immersion courses and adapted to online use.


Student´s Opinion - Why to learn with the Middle of the World Spanish School

Student's Opinions about the Online Spanish School

Benefits of Bilingualism. Lets learn Spanish Online!

Benefits of Bilingualism

Learning Spanish is more than just a boost to your CV or handy for travelling. It will make you smarter, more decisive and even better at your own language...

Researches have found that speaking two or more languages is a great asset to the cognitive process. The brains of bilingual people operate differently than single language speakers, and these differences offer several mental benefits. Here there are seven cognitive advantages:
You become smarter
Speaking a foreign language improves the functionality of your brain by challenging it to recognise, negotiate meaning, and communicate in different language systems. This skill boosts your ability to negotiate meaning in other problem-solving tasks as well. On the other hand, young people and children who study foreign languages score higher that  their monolingual peers, particularly in the categories of maths, reading, and vocabulary.
You build multitasking skills
Multilingual people, especially children, are skilled at switching between two systems of speech, writing, and structure. The research found that people who spoke more than one language made fewer errors in their driving.
You stave off Alzheimer’s and dementia
For adults who speak two or more languages, the mean age for those first signs is 75.5. Studies considered factors such as education level, income level, gender, and physical health, but the results were consistent.
Your memory improves
Educators often liken the brain to a muscle, because it functions better with exercise. Learning a language involves memorising rules and vocabulary, which helps strengthen that mental “muscle.” This exercise improves overall memory, which means that multiple language speakers are better at remembering lists or sequences. Studies show that bilinguals are better at retaining shopping lists, names, and directions.
You become more perceptive

Multilingual people are better at observing their surroundings. They are more adept at focusing on relevant information and editing out the irrelevant. They’re also better at spotting misleading information.
Your decision-making skills improve
Bilinguals tend to make more rational decisions. Any language contains nuance and subtle implications in its vocabulary, and these biases can subconsciously influence your judgment. Bilinguals are more confident with their choices after thinking it over in the second language and seeing whether their initial conclusions still stand up.
You improve your English
Learning a foreign language you also learn: grammar, conjugations, and sentence structure. This makes you more aware of language, and the ways it can be structured and manipulated. These skills can make you a more effective communicator and a sharper editor and writer. Language speakers also develop a better ear for listening, since they’re skilled at distinguishing meaning from discreet sounds.

I invite you to be part of my Online Spanish School

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Lets learn about Cecilia Guerrero (CeGuerrero)

Cecilia Guerrero, is an IEEE scholar representing Ecuador in the MDP program at Regis University, and IEEE student member. Ms. Guerrero has launched a successful therapeutic center for disabled clients, CECIT from 2009-2015. During eight years in the United States, she launched AV4Events in Chicago, Millennium Spanish School and played a leadership role as Executive Assistant and Program Coordinator in the Council for the Parliament of World Religions in 2004-2008. She also holds an MBA, with a thesis addressing CSR in Quito. She holds a BA in Linguistics from the Central University and she launched the Online Spanish School - MIddle of the World Spanish School with an Immersion Program in Ecuador, where she travels with the students. 

Ms. Guerrero´s leadership style is democratic, humanitarian, is based on a horizontal management approach, consistent with the implementation of Smart Destinations at the community level to promote dynamic economic ecosystems. Based on her initiative, BCF was selected in September 2017 to participate in a Latin America wide contest created by Cognitiva, an IBM affiliate, to implement cognitive computing and Watson applications to ecotourism (EcoHelix received Honorable Mention). She recently got certified as clown and join a group 1800Clowns to do social work with risk groups. Additionally, she earned a Psycho-Therapy and she became an Emotional and Human Development Coach. She also developed a social venture called Lider Haz Go comunitario where she works with minority groups like indigenous, youth, women, etc. - She loves to work with motivation, leadership, entrepreneurship in rural communities. 

Ms. Guerrero´s priority, through Smart Destination - or any Sustainable Development Program, is to train and empower women and youth at the community level in tourist destinations in Ecuador. She believes that women in particular, as heads of households, have the core skills to spearhead successful, responsible businesses in dynamic local ecosystems.

Finally, she is join all her academic skills to become a coach at the personal, business and community level.

Summer ONLINE Spanish Program (2 x 1)

Dear Friend

Hello! My name is Cecilia (CE) I am the ​founder, director and teacher of Middle of the World Spanish School. My experience teaching Spanish spans early childhood education, elementary education, middle school, high school and adults (undergraduate, college, university, PhDs) professionals in general.
Most recently I am developing a set of books for teaching Spanish at the elementary school level, to be published by the end of 2020. I graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in teaching languages, I also hold an MBA- MDP, I am a Psyco-therapist and a coach. I have more than 20 years teaching Spanish.

My passion is teaching Spanish to everyone in a way that is creative, FUN and meaningful to everyday life. I recently trained a group of Ecuadorian teachers to teach online. I love being silly and having a Latino mood with students and make them smile, laugh, but also learn in order to wire and fire their brain neurologically.
It is also important to me and to our team of teachers to ensure that every person feels special and important. We also have an immersion program and we want our students to visit the country, feel loved, cared, travel, experience and have fun while learning Spanish. With all our experience is the perfect combination for people to learn the language and the students are excited to learn and eager to return to class each week! 

Check out how our school works.

Our Online Spanish Classes are a fast and easy way of gaining access to a fascinating new hispanic world: A foreign language and a foreign culture! In my online Spanish School, our Students can relax in their familiar surroundings while being connected with our Spanish teacher who is maybe thousands of kilometers away (Ecuador-Venezuela-Colombia).

Our experienced teachers make use of a special computer-assisted Study Program based on voice and video interaction between student and teacher and our own online material. Whatever you are looking for - grammar lessons or conversations - vocabulary or a good talk with your Ecuadorian teacher - Online Spanish Classes is the key to an authentic language experience - wherever you are!

How does it all work?

We used Zoom or Skype. You might think your teacher was sitting right in front of you  - even in another time zone! Video is made available by a camera on your teacher's screen - and yours. Video is not mandatory - if you feel more comfortable using audio only just don't switch on the video facility! I usually invite students for a free class, then if he-she decides to continue, I will make an invoice according to the time and days they student agreed. Then we will meet every single time. 

High quality of service

We have many years of experience in teaching online and using online resources. Ecuador is well known for the language standard. We personalized our content to our students. We teach children from 3 years old to ...

Highly competitive

Our Online Classes have very competitive prices to be available to everyone. We employ single moms and young professionals. We also have an immersion program in Ecuador. 

Our teachers

Our team of Spanish teachers understand that each student is unique, and will give you the 1-on-1 attention and coaching you need to achieve your language learning goals.They are very young and active. Try a free lesson.

Facebook Online Spanish  - Immersion in Ecuador  - Community  - Social Work - Whatsapp 593 0962849100
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