Thursday, June 25, 2020

Lets learn about Cecilia Guerrero (CeGuerrero)

Cecilia Guerrero, is an IEEE scholar representing Ecuador in the MDP program at Regis University, and IEEE student member. Ms. Guerrero has launched a successful therapeutic center for disabled clients, CECIT from 2009-2015. During eight years in the United States, she launched AV4Events in Chicago, Millennium Spanish School and played a leadership role as Executive Assistant and Program Coordinator in the Council for the Parliament of World Religions in 2004-2008. She also holds an MBA, with a thesis addressing CSR in Quito. She holds a BA in Linguistics from the Central University and she launched the Online Spanish School - MIddle of the World Spanish School with an Immersion Program in Ecuador, where she travels with the students. 

Ms. Guerrero´s leadership style is democratic, humanitarian, is based on a horizontal management approach, consistent with the implementation of Smart Destinations at the community level to promote dynamic economic ecosystems. Based on her initiative, BCF was selected in September 2017 to participate in a Latin America wide contest created by Cognitiva, an IBM affiliate, to implement cognitive computing and Watson applications to ecotourism (EcoHelix received Honorable Mention). She recently got certified as clown and join a group 1800Clowns to do social work with risk groups. Additionally, she earned a Psycho-Therapy and she became an Emotional and Human Development Coach. She also developed a social venture called Lider Haz Go comunitario where she works with minority groups like indigenous, youth, women, etc. - She loves to work with motivation, leadership, entrepreneurship in rural communities. 

Ms. Guerrero´s priority, through Smart Destination - or any Sustainable Development Program, is to train and empower women and youth at the community level in tourist destinations in Ecuador. She believes that women in particular, as heads of households, have the core skills to spearhead successful, responsible businesses in dynamic local ecosystems.

Finally, she is join all her academic skills to become a coach at the personal, business and community level.

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